Crestmont Park in the Spotlight
Volunteers have been working—and continue to work--in Crestmont Park, on the south border of the Crescent Bend Neighborhood Association (CBNA) area. They’re removing invasive species, planting new trees, and making our neighborhood a better place.
Ø Sharon Roualet, President of the CBNA (yay, Sharon!), as well as the Boy Scouts of America Troop 100 both are volunteer leaders of the Adopt-a-Greenspace team for Crestmont Park. For more information on the Adopt-a-Greenspace program as well as volunteer opportunities, please see Adopt-a-Greenspace on the Parks and Recreation website.
Ø The Bloomington Arbor Tree Planting Ceremony was held at Crestmont Park on April 1, with Mayor Kerry Thomson; Tim Street, Director of Bloomington Parks and Recreation; Haskel Smith, Bloomington Urban Forester; and many others in attendance. A video of the ceremony is available on the Parks and Recreation Facebook page.
Field Day was held on May
2, 2024. Volunteers planted new trees to increase the tree canopy at Crestmont
Park as part of the Winslow-Crestmont
Wildlife Corridor project.