

Crestmont Park in the Spotlight

Volunteers have been working—and continue to work--in Crestmont Park, on the south border of the Crescent Bend Neighborhood Association (CBNA) area. They’re removing invasive species, planting new trees, and making our neighborhood a better place.

Ø Sharon Roualet, President of the CBNA (yay, Sharon!), as well as the Boy Scouts of America Troop 100 both are volunteer leaders of the Adopt-a-Greenspace team for Crestmont ParkFor more information on the Adopt-a-Greenspace program as well as volunteer opportunities, please see Adopt-a-Greenspace on the Parks and Recreation website.

Ø The Bloomington Arbor Tree Planting Ceremony was held at Crestmont Park on April 1, with Mayor Kerry Thomson; Tim Street, Director of Bloomington Parks and Recreation; Haskel Smith, Bloomington Urban Forester; and many others in attendance. A video of the ceremony is available on the Parks and Recreation Facebook page.

Ø Crestmont Field Day was held on May 2, 2024. Volunteers planted new trees to increase the tree canopy at Crestmont Park as part of the Winslow-Crestmont

Wildlife Corridor project.