

Update on Trash Transfer Station with links to important information

 H-T article link:

Letter that HT article is referring to:

The 1 line summary: JB's wants an 18-24 month extension on their permit deadline to try to go through the legal process to change the zoning of the site and get the transfer station permit approved.

Article in the H-T about City Council's letter to IDEM against the proposed WTS, 29 March 2013
http://www.heraldtimesonline. com/stories/2013/03/29/news. city-council-tells-idem-it- opposes-new-trash-transfer- station.sto
(Notably, the Council's letter includes a statement that they “would not support the use of this facility by the city.”! good news)

Story on WFHB about connection with the Mo Co Solid Waste District BoD, 28 March 2013
http://www.wfhb.org/news/ daily-local-news-march-28- 2012-0

Story in the H-T, Trash transfer site losing city support, 8 March 2013:
http://www.heraldtimesonline. com/stories/2013/03/08/news. trash-transfer-site-loses- city-support.sto

Story on WFIU, City Changes Mind on Support of Waste Transfer Project, 12 March 2013:
http://indianapublicmedia.org/ news/city-mind-support-waste- transfer-project-46433/

Related story in the H-T, with update on WTS permit progress, 13 March 2013:
http://www.heraldtimesonline. com/stories/2013/03/13/news. profits-from-selling- recyclables-could-pay-for- trash-barker-says.sto
Article in the H-T, Mayor: City will check legality of transfer station, 18 March 2013:
http://www.heraldtimesonline. com/stories/2013/03/18/news. mayor-city-will-check- legality-of-transfer-station. sto

A long feature on WFHB's daily news, 5 March 2013:
http://www.wfhb.org/news/ daily-local-news-march-05-2013

H-T article on WTS and Steve Volan's proposal to open a public WTS at Anderson location instead of on Vernal Pike.
http://www.heraldtimesonline. com/stories/2013/03/05/news. public-trash-transfer-station- proposed.sto


Public meeting March 4th -MC Library about proposed Solid Waste Trash Transfer Stations

If you missed the meeting on the proposed solid waste trash transfer station at JB Salvage on Vernal Pike, you may go to this link to see the slides.


Our greatest concern in the Crescent Bend Neighborhood should be the increased traffic from all directions, the large semi traffic through our neighborhood when I-69 closes Vernal Pike, and the resulting road trash and litter.  Property values will likely be decreased in a 1.8mi radius which includes all of downtown Bloomington.

There's much we can do to prevent this from happening.  
Go to:

Contact: Neighbors Against Downtown Trash Transfer Station



You're a Leader - You Just Don't Know it! Presentation by Paul Schmitz

Save the date for Paul Schmitz:
“You’re a Leader – You Just Don’t Know it!”
You are invited for an evening of inspiration in understanding leadership possibilities within yourself and the community. Paul Schmitz, CEO of Public Allies and author of Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up, will be in Bloomington to share his unique approach to developing leaders, inspiring change, and strengthening community assets.  Learn how leadership is a process and not a position—everyone can be an effective leader at all levels of community!      
What:    Paul Schmitz presentation, “You’re a Leader – You Just Don’t Know it!”

When:  Thursday, February 21, 2013
5:30 to 6:30 p.m. – Reception with Paul Schmitz
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. – Paul Schmitz Presentation
7:30 to 8:00 p.m. – Paul Schmitz available for book signing

Where:  City of Bloomington Council Chambers
 401 N. Morton St.
 Bloomington, IN

This program is free and open to the public!

Who:  Neighborhood folks, nonprofit organization leaders, and interested community members are all welcome.

This event is made possible through the support of the City of Bloomington’s Neighborhood and Housing Development Department (HAND), Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA), and United Way of Monroe County.  For more information about the event and Paul Schmitz, please click here.

Vickie Provine
Program Manager
Housing and Neighborhood Development
City of Bloomington
fax 812-349-3582


Neighborhood Services

Happy New Year!

The Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HAND) wants to thank you and all the folks in your neighborhood for the work you do to make your neighborhood a great place to live. 

With a new year HAND wants to make you aware of our 2013 Neighborhood Services programs and services along with updates to Bloomington ordinances that have a direct impact on your neighborhood.  If you would like to have a HAND staff member attend your meeting in 2013 or you have any neighborhood related questions, please feel free to contact me, Vickie Provine at provinev@bloomington.in.gov or 349-3505.  

Neighborhood Services
What’s new in 2013?
  • HAND, CONA and United Way is bringing Paul Schmitz, the author of Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up” on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Learn a new approach to leadership including defining leadership as an action everyone can take, not a position to be held; how to be more effective at bringing diverse people and communities together to solve problems; and taking personal and social responsibility to work with other on common goals. For more information you can link here to the website.
  • Blooming Neighborhoods has a new twist for 2013, the awards have been replaced with “My Neighborhood Pot Luck Idea.”  The neighborhood “Pot Luck” gives neighborhoods the opportunity to share good ideas with one another. For more information you can link here to the website.
  • 2013 Neighborhood Improvement Grants are available through application – click here for further information and check out great projects from Bloomington neighborhoods.
  • Snapshot of 2013 Programs and services attached (according to date)
  • 2013 Neighborhood Calendar attached.

New Title XVI: Residential Rental Unity and Lodging Establishment Inspection Program

Here is a link to the new Title XVI Code: Residential Rental Unit and Lodging Establishment Inspection Program

What is new in 2013? 

Highlights that pertain to neighborhoods:
16.04.040 Exterior Property Areas.  This requires that the exterior be maintained -- including sidewalks. New to the code, "Furniture not generally intended to be used for outdoor purposes (typically upholstered furniture) shall not be permitted to be stored on the exterior of the premises of residential rental units, this includes both screen-in and non-screened porches."  Neighborhoods have been asking for that for years.

16.040.050 Exterior Structure.  Requires that the structure be maintained -- including painting which has to be done in accordance with EPA rules.  It also doesn't allow graffiti on rental property.  If it happens, it needs to be cleaned up, fixed, restored, etc.

16.040.080 Rubbish and Garbage.  Requires that all rental units and their accessory structures to be maintained free from rubbish or garbage. For example, if we find a garage or other structure on the property to be full of trash, we would cite it and they would need to clean it out.  We do find garages and other structures to be full of trash and that attracts rats and other unwanted pests.

This code is instrumental in maintaining our neighborhoods as 67% of our occupied housing is rental. 

Title VI “Weeds and Trash Enforcement”

What is new for 2013?
The Bloomington Common Council passed an ordinance which made significant changes to Title 6 of the Bloomington Municipal Code as it relates to Refuse and Weeds.  Below is outlined some of the most significant changes that the HAND Department feels you should be aware of.  To read the changes in its entirety, you may go to www.bloomington.in.gov/council.  Look for Ordinance 12-23 in the council packet dated September 19, 2012. 
Synopsis of changes to Chapter 6.06 of the Bloomington Municipal Code titled, “Garbage and Weeds”
1.       The word “weed” has been defined as any plant or vegetation classified by either the State of Indiana or the United States government as a detrimental plant, exotic plant, exotic weed, invasive plant, noxious weed or weed.
2.       Added a new provision which prohibits the dumping of trash into a private dumpster without the owner’s permission.
3.       Adopted a new escalated fine schedule within a 12 month period of the initial fine of $50, which can increase up to $100, and then $150.
4.       Eliminated the 7 day grace period to clean up non-possessory residential rental property.  The fine remains, however, in order for the tenant to be responsible for the fine, a lease needs to be received within 7 days of the violation notice.

Vickie Provine
Program Manager
Housing and Neighborhood Development
City of Bloomington
fax 812-349-3582