

Please join us at the next meeting of the Crescent Bend Neighborhood Association (CBNA)

6:30-8:00 pm, Thursday, September 8, 2011
Pinnacle School, 1503 W. Arlington Rd.
Featured speaker: Susie Johnson, Director of Public Works, City of Bloomington
6:30: Susie Johnson, Director of Public Works, City of Bloomington , will talk with us about plans for two intersections within the CBNA boundaries (at the corners of Vernal Pike and Crescent, and of 17th, Monroe , and Arlington ) and other topics related traffic issues and infrastructure within our neighborhood. There will be time for questions and discussion.
7:30: General Business Meeting:
Updates on CBNA projects, including the Neighborhood Watch Program, successes, and future plans
Opportunity to raise your concerns and ideas
Location: Pinnacle School, 1503 W. Arlington Rd. The first driveway on the left on Arlington Rd. , just past the intersection of Arlington , 17th, and Monroe Sts. We will meet in the first building on your left (as you enter).
There is ample parking. It’s best to park on the side of the driveway to your left (when entering). If you need transportation, please write to crescentbend@gmail.com or call 336-8246.