

Upcoming important quarterly meeting about I-69

Please plan to join your neighbors on Wed. August 29th, at 6:30pm for an important CBNA quarterly meeting.  We will be hearing from Mary Jo Hamman, consultant to INDOT about proposed plans for Section 5 of Interstate 69.  It is very important that we all attend this meeting so we can be informed and then prepared to present our opinions and requests when needed.  These changes WILL affect our neighborhood.

The meeting will be held at 1800 W. 17th St., Suite A, the Aecom office building.  Contact one of your executive committee members with questions.

Revisions to Title 16 Property Maintenance Code

An updated listing of information for Bloomington neighborhood residents!

Good afternoon.  As some of you may know, the City of Bloomington has been considering revisions to Title 16 (commonly referred to as the City's Property Maintenance Code) for some time now.  City staff conducted meetings with representatives of the apartment association, CONA and the BHQA to receive input and suggestions.  After reviewing those comments and suggestions, and after reviewing what staff feels are the needs of the overall community, City staff has prepared a proposal to amend Title 16.  It is the City's assumption that said proposal will be heard by the Bloomington Common Council before the end of this calendar year.

Because City staff is cognizant that these changes will impact a variety of members of the Bloomington community, staff is going to hold at least one, if not two, public forums wherein members of the public may provide the City will comments, feedback and suggestions on its proposal.  The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 in the City Council Chambers of City Hall (located at 401 North Morton Street). The meeting will begin at 5:30 following the BHQA meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to receive feedback from the community.  This will be a listening session and staff does not plan on specifically commenting on any statement or proposal mentioned by a member of the public. However, staff will most certainly try to answer any and all questions posed.  

Upon conclusion of the August 15th meeting staff will review all comments and suggestions made by the public and determine what, if any changes, to its proposal are in the best interests of the community as a whole.  If needed, staff plans to hold a second public meeting after the September BHQA meeting (September 19, 2012) to present the version that will be submitted to the Council for approval.

Please note that any proposal taken before the Bloomington Common Council will be held in a public forum and any and all members of the public may comment on the proposal at said time.

Lisa Abbott
Director of Housing & Neighborhood Development
City of Bloomington

School Board Seats (Districts 2,4,5 & 6) will be decided this year

Four of the seven MCCSC School Board seats (Districts 2, 4, 5, and 6) will be decided this year.  A candidate must reside in the district in which he or she wants to run, but voting is at-large, which means that all voters vote for a candidate in each district.  Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 6th, but early voting starts on Tuesday, Oct. 9th.  Two organizations (the Indiana Coalition for Public Education and the League of Women Voters) are sponsoring candidate forums on the following dates:

ICPE Forum, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 7pm, Showers City Council Chamber
LWV Forum, Thursday, Sept. 27, 7pm, Ivy Tech
ICPE Forum, Monday, Oct. 15, 7pm, Showers City Council Chamber

These public forums are great opportunities for your concerns to be addressed.  Each forum will have a different format, and as the dates approach I will send more detailed information, including how you can submit questions/issues that the candidates should address.

Only seven people have filed as candidates, but the deadline is not until noon on Friday, Aug. 24th, so there is still time for you (or your favorite potential candidate) to enter the race.  Only 10 signatures are needed, and I can provide the 2012 Candidate’s Packet to anyone who is interested (also available directly from the Monroe County Clerk Office).

A detailed map of the MCCSC districts is available at:

Posting #5 (07-02-2012) has the most detailed map, with major streets labeled.

Please contact me (knoxes@comcast.net) if you would like to know more about the school board, the elections this fall, or the issues facing our public schools.  If you would like to serve on the school board (or have a suggestion for someone who would be an excellent school board member), please also contact me for more information.

Finally, please make sure that you and people whom you know are registered to vote.


Eric Knox
1904 E. Southdowns