

EMAIL ADDRESS for Crescent Bend Neighborhood Association

 Crescent Bend Neighbors......the email address for the Crescent Bend Neighborhood Association is:

It's recommended that if you have any security problems or suggestions for a CBNA project or social event, that you CC the above email address when contacting an Executive Committee Member.

CBNA is striving to be proactive regarding crime prevention.  We are keeping records of any crime/break-ins/robberies/property damage that occurs within our stated boundaries.  If you do have any crime incidences, please email Carrie at cgw1018@sbcglobal.com (at least for now) and CC to crescentbend@gmail.com.


What's new in the hood???????

If you're here....it's probably your first time at CBNA's blog.  This blog was composed so that your neighborhood news could be easily posted and accessed.  We hope, if you are a neighbor, that you will come back often to see what we are doing to make your living environment a better place in which to live.

The executive committee will have it's first meeting November 12th at Tim and Sharon Roualet's.  If you will join us, please post RSVP's.

You are invited....Even if you don't want to serve on the board or a committee.  It's a "neighbor thing".......

Fall 2010
  Crescent Bend Neighborhood
Organized June, 2010
 Winkel        cgw1018@sbcglobal.net 
 Roualet         stroualet@gmail.com 
 Devitt           cranedad@gmail.com  
 Tuohy           tuohys@indiana.edu      

Contact CBNA to voice your neighborhood concerns and suggestions.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12  7-9 pm.
Location: ROUALET'S
1311 West 17th  
Popcorn, beer and sodas provided by hosts
Please R.S.V.P.
MEETING AGENDA:   Chair Carrie Winkel
Communications Committee    Chair Sharon Roualet
  • Set date & place for Spring 2011 Clean-up (& Picnic?)
  • Set dates and place for next quarterly meetings

Security Committee  CHAIR NEEDED.  Volunteer!
  • Talk with police to establish Neighborhood Watch program; coordinate volunteers in our neighborhood.
  • Street Light Report: They’re installed at Crescent Pointe.  At last the bend on Crescent & W. 17th is illuminated.

Traffic, Infrastructure & Developments Committee
Co-Chairs Dave & Dustin Devitt
  • Reports on Roundabout,  I69, traffic control update, sidewalks, medians

Projects & Grants Committee  Chair Sue Tuohy
  • Update on limestone neighborhood sign
  • Possible HAND grants & projects

  • Neighborhood Sign:  Dave Szatkowski and Dave Devitt joined forces to find and haul a lovely piece of limestone .  Stonecarver Szatowski has worked his magic.  David Devitt will move the piece of art into place when appropriate.
  • Are drivers “trashing” your yard?  HAND provided special collection bags that don’t require stickers for trash pickup.  Contact Sue T. or Carrie W. for blue trash bags.
  • Lindbergh is now one way.  Many drivers are ignoring, but the accident rate is down! 
  • Street lights now illuminate the dangerous W.17th/Crescent bend and increase security within Crescent Pointe and at the bus stop.